2024 Norris MC, JM Hall, DA Warner. 2024. Developmental reaction norms vary among families of lizards in response to multivariate nest environments. Oikos, in press.
Gilbert AL, SM Wayne, MC Norris, JM Rodgers, DA Warner. 2024. Temperature stress as a maternal effect on lizard reproduction. Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology, in press.
Warner DA, Mitchell TS, Janzen FJ. 2024. Increased nest temperature during winter does not affect yolk metabolism of hatchling painted turtles (Chrysemys picta). Integrative Zoology, in press.
Hall JM, Tiatragul S, Turner MK, Warner DA. 2024. Within the optimal thermal range, temperature fluctuations with similar means have little effect on offspring phenotypes: A comparison of two approaches that simulate natural nest conditions. Journal of Thermal Biology, in press.
Rodgers JM, Norris MC, Warner DA. 2024. Isolating the effects of individual nest characteristics on offspring phenotypes of brown anole lizards. Auburn University Journal of Undergraduate Research, in press.
Warner DA, Schwartz TS, Shine R. 2024. Fused eggs and twinning in the Australian jacky dragon (Amphibolurus muricatus). Reptiles and Amphibians 31:e22373.
Warner DA, Laurencio D, Zanzot JW. 2024. Invertebrate predators of Anolis lizards: A new observation and a summary of published reports. Reptiles & Amphibians 31:e21122.
2023 Muell MR, Gross IP. 2023. Deformed tail and hindlimb with an extra foot on laboratory-bred offspring of a wild-caught Anolisequestris Merrem, 1820 from South Florida, USA. Herpetology Notes 16:923-926
Moss RA, Murphy KM, Gardner ST, Watkins MM, Finger JW, Kelley MD, Elsey RM, Warner DA, Mendonça MT. 2023. Exposure to ecologically relevant estrogen levels do not influence morphology or immune parameters in hatchling American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C, 275:doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpc.2023.109767.
Zhong M, Warner DA. 2023. Unveiling lizard evolution: Graphical insights into behavioral ecology in the era of climate change. BioGraphI FMN Spring 2023, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/J6AM-WZ49
Norris MC, Robbins TR, Warner DA. 2023. Locomotor performance differs between foraging and predator escape but is not related to survival in hatchling lizards. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 141:102-117.
Murphy KM, Le SM, Wilson AE, Warner DA. 2023. The microbiome as a maternal effect: A systematic review on vertical transmission of microbiota. Integrative and Comparative Biology 63:597-609.
Gilbert AL, Shine R, Warner DA. 2023. Carrying eggs uphill: are costs of reproduction stronger on steeper slopes? Biology Letters 19:doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2023.0025.
Warner DA, Thompson P. 2023. Anolis carolinensis (Green Anole) Predation. Herpetological Review 54:656-658.
Warner DA, Zanzot JW, Folkerts D, Yawn N, Muell M, Jackson K, Strength A, McGrew A, Cobb H, Preston K, David K, Tucker L, Powers N, Land J, Gothard M, Crochet A, Jones S. 2023. Smilisca baudinii (Common Mexican Tree Frog) and Agalychnis callidryas (Red-Eyed Tree Frog). Interspecific amplexus. Herpetological Review 54:442-443.
Bodensteiner BL, Iverson JB, Carter AL, Milne CL, Mitchell TS, Refsnider JM, Voves K, Warner DA, Janzen FJ. 2023. Mother knows best: nest-site choice homogenizes embryo thermal environments among populations in a widespread ectotherm. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 378:doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2022.0155.
Delaney DM, Tiatragul S, Warner DA. 2023. Anolis sagrei (brown anole). Arboreal nesting. Herpetological Review, in press
Folkerts Caldwell M, Lopez-Perez JE, Warner DA, Wolak ME. 2023. Consistent nest site selection by turtles across habitats with varying levels of human disturbance. Diversity 15(2), 275; https://doi.org/10.3390/d15020275
Warner DA, Kelly C, Pruett JE, Fargevieille A, Klabacka RL. 2023. Fluctuating environments hinder the ability of female lizards to choose suitable nest sites for their embryos. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 77, 32 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00265-023-03310-0
2022 Murphy KM, Watkins MM, Finger JW, Kelley MD, Elsey RM, Warner DA, Mendonca MT. 2022. Xenobiotic estradiol-17B alters gut microbiota of hatchling American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis). Environmental Microbiology 24:6336-6347.
Reinke et al. (Warner is author 102 of 113 authors). 2022. Diverse aging rates in ectothermic tetrapods provide insights for the evolution of aging and longevity. Science 376: 1459-1466.
Pruett JE, Hall JM, Tiatragul S, Warner DA. 2022. Nesting in Anolis lizards: An understudied topic in a well-studied clade. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10:821115.
Raynal RS, Noble DWA, Riley JL, Senior AM, Warner DA, While GM, Schwanz LS. 2022. Impact of fluctuating developmental temperatures on phenotypic traits in reptiles: A meta-analysis. Journal of Experimental Biology DOI: 10.1242/jeb.243369.
Fargevieille A, Reedy AM, Kahrl AF, Mitchell TS, Durso AM, Delaney DM, Pearson PR, Cox RM, Warner DA. 2022. Propagule size and sex ratio influence colonisation dynamics after introduction of a non-native lizard. Journal of Animal Ecology 91:845-857.
Jenkins AJ, Godwin JC, Warner DA, Steen DA. 2022. Movement Ecology of Flattened Musk Turtles (Sternotherus depressus). Journal of Herpetology 56:1-7.
Hall JM, Miracle J, Scruggs C, Warner DA. 2022. Natural nest substrates influence squamate embryo physiology but have little effect on hatchling phenotypes. Integrative Zoology 17:550-566.
2021 Kahrl, AF, Kustra MC, Reedy AM, Bhave RS, Seears HA, Warner DA, Cox RM. 2021. Selection on sperm count, but not on sperm morphology or velocity, in a wild population of Anolis lizards. Cells 10:2369
Delaney DM, Brandt R, Beaumont CM, Warner DA. 2021. Anolis sagrei (brown anole). Egg-carrying behavior. Herpetological Review 52:643
Pruett JE, Warner DA. 2021. Spacial and temporal variation in phenotypes and fitness in response to developmental thermal environments. Functional Ecology 35:2635-2646.
Goetz SM, Miller MA, Reed RN, Guyer C, Kottwitz J, Roberts J, Blankenship E, Pearson P, Warner DA, Steen DA. 2021. Argentine black and white tegus can survive under semi-natural conditions in colder climates well beyond its current invasive range. PLoS One 16(3): e0245877.
Warner DA, Hall JM, Fargevieille A, Hulbert AC, Tiatragul S, Pruett JE, Mitchell TS. 2021. Dependence on a human structure influences the extinction of a non-native lizard population after a major environmental change. Biological Invasions. 23:1-18.
Taylor EN, Diele-Viegas LM, Gangloff EJ, Hall JM, Halpern B, Massey MD, Rödder D, Rollinson N, Spears S, Sun B, Telemeco RS. 2021. The Thermal Ecology and Physiology of Reptiles and Amphibians: A User’s Guide. Journal of Experimental Zoology A. 335:13-44.
Hall JM, Warner DA. 2021. Thermal sensitivity of lizard embryos indicates a mismatch between oxygen supply and demand at near-lethal temperatures. Journal of Experimental Zoology A. 335:72-85. Invited special issue on thermal physiology.
Roberts J, Warner DA. 2021. Physiology and diseases of the reproductive system. In: Noninfectious Diseases and Pathology of Reptiles: Color Atlas and Text, Volume 2 (ER Jacobson, M Gardner, eds). CRC Press. pp. 331-428.
2020 Hall JM, Warner DA. 2020. Ecologically relevant thermal fluctuations enhance offspring fitness: biological and methodological implications for studies of thermal developmental plasticity. Journal of Experimental Biology223:10.1242/jeb.231902. DeSana A, Fargevieille A, Warner DA. 2020. Survival of lizard eggs varies with microhabitat in the presense of an invertebrate nest predator. Evolutionary Ecology 34:483-499.
Murphy KM, Radder R, Shine R, Warner DA. 2020. Lizard embryos prioritize post-hatching energy reserves over increased hatchling body size during development. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 93:339-346. Invited special issue on physiological trade-offs.
Dees A, Wilson K, Reali C, Pruett JE, Hall JM, Brandt R, Warner DA. 2020. Communal egg-laying behaviour and the consequences of egg aggregation in the brown anole. Ethology. 126:751-760.
Pruett JE, Fargevieille A, Warner DA. 2020. Temporal variation in maternal nest choice and its consequences on lizard embryos. Behavioral Ecology 31:902-910.
Hulbert AC, Hall JM, Mitchell TS, Warner DA. 2020. Use of human-made structures, not thermal adaptation, facilitates persistence of a non-native ectotherm. Biological Invasions. 22:2017-2031.
Steele A, Warner DA. 2020. Sex-specific effects of developmental temperature on morphology, growth, and survival of offspring in a lizard with temperature-dependent sex determination. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 130:320-335.
Gunderson AR, Fargevieille A, Warner DA. 2020. Egg incubation temperature does not influence adult heat tolerance in the lizard Anolis sagrei. Biology Letters. 16:20190716.
Hall JM, Mitchell TS, Thawley C, Stroud J, Warner DA. 2020. Adaptive seasonal shift towards investment in fewer, larger offspring: Evidence from field and laboratory studies. Journal of Animal Ecology 89:1242-1253.
Tiatragul S, Hall JM, Warner DA. 2020. Nestled in the city heat; urban nesting behavior enhances embryo development of an invasive lizard. Journal of Urban Ecology 6:1-11.
Warner DA, Mitchell TS, Bodensteiner BL, Janzen FJ. 2020. Sex and incubation temperature independently affect embryonic development and offspring size in a turtle with temperature-dependent sex determination. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 93:62-74.
2019 Hall JM, Warner DA. 2019. Thermal tolerance in the urban head island: Thermal sensitivity varies ontogenetically and differs between embryos of two sympatric ectotherms. Journal of Experimental Biology 222 (19), jeb210708.
Kustra MC, Kahrl AF, Reedy AM, Warner DA, Cox RM. 2019. Sperm morphology and count vary with fine scale changes in local density in a wild lizard population. Oecologia 191:555-564.
Carter AL, Bodensteiner BL, Iverson JB, Milne-Zelman CL, Mitchell TS, Refsnider JM, Warner DA, Janzen FJ. 2019 Breadth of the thermal response captures individual and geographic variation in temperature-dependent sex determination. Functional Ecology 33:1928-1939.
Pruett, Addis, Warner. 2019. The influence of maternal nesting behaviour on offspring survival: evidence from correlational and cross-fostering studies. Animal Behaviour 153:15-24.
Janzen, Mitchell, Delaney, Warner. 2019. Do covariances between maternal behavior and embryonic physiology drive sex-ratio evolution under environmental sex determination. Journal of Heredity 110:411-421.
Tiatragul S, Hall JM, Pavlik NG, Warner DA. 2019. Lizard nests differ between suburban and forested habitats. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 126:392-403.
Bodensteiner BL, Warner DA, Iverson JB, Milne-Zelman CL, Mitchell TS, Refsnider JM, Janzen FJ. 2019. Geographic variation in thermal sensitivity of early life traits in a widespread reptile. Ecology and Evolution 9:2791-2802.
Lloyd RB, Warner DA. 2019. Maternal nest-site choice does not affect egg hatching success in an invasive turtle population. Behaviour 156:265-285.
Tiatragul S, Warner DA. 2019. Beating the heat: nest characteristics of anoles across forest and urban habitats in south Miami. Anolis Newsletter VII, https://doi.org/10.7936/gjg3-h168.
Hall JM, Mitchell TS, Warner DA. 2019. The brown anole (Anolis sagrei) as a model for studying life history adaptation to seasonality. Anolis Newsletter VII, https://doi.org/10.7936/gjg3-h168
Pruett JE, Warner DA, Robinson CD, Gifford ME. 2019. Anolis sagrei and Anolis carolinensis. twinning. Herpetological Review 50:137.
Special issue on reptile developmental plasticity in the Journal of Experimental Zoology (edited by Warner DA, Du WG, and Georges A)
Warner DA, Du WG, Georges A. 2018. Introduction to the special issue – Developmental plasticity in reptiles: Physiological mechanisms and ecological consequences. Journal of Experimental Zoology A, DOI:10.1002/jez.2199 Mitchell TS, Janzen FJ, Warner DA. 2018. Quantifying the effects of embryonic phenotypic plasticity on adult phenotypes in reptiles: a review of current knowledge and major gaps. Journal of Experimental Zoology A, 329(4-5), pp.203-214, DOI: 10.1002/jex.2187 While GM, Noble DWA, Uller T, Warner DA, Riley JL, Du W, Schwanz LE. 2018. Patterns of developmental plasticity in response to incubation temperature in reptiles. Journal of Experimental Zoology A, 329(4-5), pp.162-176, DOI: 10.1002/jez.2181
Hall JM, Buckelew A, Lovern M, Secor S, Warner DA. 2018. Seasonal shifts in reproduction depend on prey availability for an income breeder. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 91 (6), 1129-1147.
Hall JM, Warner DA. 2018. Thermal spikes from the urban heat island increases mortality and alter physiology of lizard embryos. Journal of Experimental Biology 221 (14), jeb181552
Mitchell TS, Hall JM, Warner DA. 2018. Female investment in offspring size and number shifts seasonally in a lizard with single-egg clutches. Evolutionary Ecology, 32:231-245.
Pearson PR, Warner DA. 2018. Early hatching enhance survival despite beneficial phenotypic effects of late-season developmental environments. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285(1874), p.20180256, DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2018.0256.
Steele AL. Warner DA. 2018. Revisiting the first report of temperature-dependent sex determination in a vertebrate, the African redhead agama. Journal of Zoology 306:16-22.
Noble DWA, Stenhouse V, Riley JL, Warner DA, While GM, Du WG, Uller T, Schwanz LE. 2018. A comprehensive database of thermal developmental plasticity in reptiles. Scientific Data 5, DOI: 10.1038/sdata.2018.138.
2017 Hulbert AC, Mitchell TS, Hall JM, Guiffre CM, Douglas DC, Warner DA. 2017. The effects of incubation temperature and experimental design on heart rates of lizard embryos. Journal of Experimental Zoology A 327:466-476.
Tiatragul, S. and Pruett, J. E. 2017. Stabilizing selection on an animal weapons in a wild population. Evolution 71:2750-2751.
Tiatragul, S., Murali, G. and Stroud, J. T. 2017, Digest: Different evolutionary dynamics led to the convergence of clinging performance in lizard toepads†. Evolution 71:2537–2538.
Hall JM, Warner DA. 2017. Body size and reproduction of a non-native lizard are enhanced in an urban environment. The Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 122:860-871.
Warner DA, Mitchell TS, Bodensteiner BL, Janzen FJ. 2017. The Effect of Hormone Manipulations on Sex Ratios Varies with Environmental Conditions in a Turtle with Temperature-Dependent Sex Determination. Journal of Experimental Zoology A 327:172-181.
Reedy A, Pope B, Kiriazis N, Giordano C, Sams C, Warner DA, Cox R. 2017. Female anoles display less but attack more quickly than males in response to territorial intrusions. Behavioral Ecology 28:1323-1328.
Delaney DM, Janzen FJ, Warner DA. 2017. Nesting stage and distance to refuge influence terrestrial nesting behavior in an aquatic turtle. Canadian Journal of Zoology 95:837-841.
Hall JM, Warner DA. 2017. Winter microhabitat selection and growth of jacky dragons (Amphibolurus muricatus). Copeia 105:618-625.
Delaney DM, DA Warner. 2017. Effects of age- and sex-specific density on behavior and survival in a territorial lizard (Anolis sagrei). Animal Behaviour 129:31-41.
Tiatragul S, A Kurniawan, JJ Kolbe, DA Warner. 2017. Embryos of non-native anoles are robust to urban thermal environments. Journal of Thermal Biology 65:119-124.
Mitchell TS, JM Refsnider, A Sethuraman, DA Warner, FJ Janzen. 2017. Experimental assessment of winter conditions on turtle nesting behavior. Evolutionary Ecology Research 18:271-280.
Delaney DM, DA Warner. 2017. Adult male density influences juvenile microhabitat use in a territorial lizard. Ethology 123:157-167.
2016 Warner DA, MS Johnson, TR Nagy. Validation of body condition indices and quantitative magnetic resonance in estimating body composition in a small lizard. Journal of Experimental Zoology A 325:588-597.
Pearson PR, DA Warner. 2016. Habitat- and season-specific temperatures affect phenotypic development of hatchling lizards. Biology Letters DOI:10.10.1098/rsbl.2016.0646.
Warner DA, DAW Miller, AM Bronikowski, FJ Janzen. 2016. Decades of field data reveal that turtles senesce in the wild. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113:6502-6507.
Delaney DM, DA Warner. 2016. Age- and sex-specific variation in micro and macrohabitat use in a territorial lizard. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 70:981-991.
Delaney DM, MB Lovern, DA Warner. 2016. Does reduced perch availability affect reproduction in the brown anole? An experimental test in the laboratory. Journal of Herpetology 50:227-232.
2015 Refsnider, RM, AM Reedy, DA Warner, FJ Janzen. 2015. Do trade-offs between predation pressure on females versus nests drive nest-site choice in painted turtles? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 116:847-855.
Warner DA, AM Buckelew, PR Pearson, A. Dhawan. 2015. The effect of prey availability on offspring survival depends on maternal food resources. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 115:437-447.
2014 Warner DA. 2014. Fitness consequences of maternal and embryonic responses to environmental variation: Using reptiles as models for studies of developmental plasticity. Integrative and Comparative Biology 54:757-773.
Warner DA. 2014. Book Review: Reptiles in Research: Investigations of Ecology, Physiology, and Behavior from Desert to Sea, By W. Lutterschmidt (ed.). Copeia 2014:592-594.
Refsnider RM, C Milne-Zelman, DA Warner, FJ Janzen. 2014. Population sex ratios under differing local climates in a reptile with environmental sex determination. Evolutionary Ecology 28:977-989.
Du WG, TR Robbins, DA Warner, T Langkilde, R Shine. 2014. Latitudinal and seasonal variation in reproductive effort of the eastern fence lizard (Sceloporus undulatus). Integrative Zoology 9:360-371.
Warner DA, MB Lovern. 2014. Maternal environments affect offspring viability via an indirect effect of yolk investment on offspring size. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 87:276-287.
Warner DA, E Addis, WG Du, T. Wibbels, FJ Janzen. 2014. Exogenous application of estradiol to eggs unexpectedly induces male development in two turtle species with temperature-dependent sex determination. General and Comparative Endocrinology 206:16-23.
Jergenson A, DAW Miller, LA Neuman-Lee, DA Warner, FJ Janzen. 2014. Swimming against the tide: resilience of a riverine turtle to extreme environmental events. Biology Letters DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2013.0783.
Delaney DM, CD Cates, AM Buckelew, DM Delaney, AM Durso, SS French, AM Reedy, DA Warner. 2014. Anolis sagrei. Prey stealing behavior. Herpetological Review 45:324-325.
Cates CD, DM Delaney, AM Buckelew, DM Delaney, AM Durso, SS French, AM Reedy, DA Warner. 2014. Anolis sagrei. Cannibalism. Herpetological Review 45:491.
Cates CD, DM Delaney, AM Buckelew, DM Delaney, AM Durso, SS French, AM Reedy, DA Warner. 2014. Anolis sagrei. Egg predation. Herpetological Review 45:491-492.
Delaney DM, CD Cates, DA Warner. 2014. Anolis sagrei. Gopherus polyphemus burrow commensalism. Herpetolocial Review 45:694.
2013 Warner DA, T Uller, R Shine. 2013. Transgenerational sex determination: The embryonic environment experienced by a male affects offspring sex ratio. Scientific Reports 3:2709.
Warner DA, TS Mitchell. 2013. Does maternal oviposition site influence offspring dispersal to suitable habitat? Oecologia 172:679-688.
Refsnider, J, DA Warner, FJ Janzen. 2013. Environmental constraints on nest-site choice: are turtle populations limited by availability of nesting habitat? Journal of Thermal Biology 38:152-158.
Telemeco RS, DA Warner, MK Reida, FJ Janzen. 2013. Extreme developmental temperatures result in morphological abnormalities in painted turtles (Chrysemys picta): A climate change perspective. Integrative Zoology 8:197-208.
Delaney DM, AM Reedy, TS Mitchell, AM Durso, KP Durso, AJ Morrison, DA Warner. 2013. Anolis sagrei (Brown Anole). Nest site choice. Herpetological Review 44:314.
Warner DA, CD Kelly, MB Lovern. 2013. Reproductive experience affects mating behavior, but does not impact parental allocation in a lizard. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67:973-983.
Durso AM, TS Mitchell, AM Reedy, DA Warner. 2013. Ophisaurus compressus. Swimming. Herpetological Review 44:146.
Mitchell TS, DA Warner, FJ Janzen. 2013. Phenotypic consequences of maternal nest-site choice revealed by cross-fostering during two life-history stages. Ecology 94:336-345.
Reedy AM, D Zaragoza, DA Warner. 2013. Maternally-chosen nest sites positively affect multiple components of offspring fitness in lizards. Behavioral Ecology 24:39-46.
2012 Du WG, DA Warner, T Langkilde, TR Robbins, R Shine. 2012. The roles of pre-hatching and post-hatching growth rates in generating a latitudinal cline in adult body size in the eastern fence lizard (Sceloporus undulatus). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 106:202-209.
Warner DA, MA Moody, RS Telemeco, JJ Kolbe. 2012. Egg environments strongly impact embryonic development, but have minimal consequences for hatchling phenotypes in an invasive lizard. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 105:25-41.
2011 Warner DA, TS Mitchell, FJ Janzen. 2011. The effects of egg-incubation temperature on growth and survival of hatchling painted turtles. Iowa State University Horticulture Research Station Reports 10:84-86.
Durso AM, DA Warner, TS Mitchell, AM Reedy. 2011. Heterodon nasicus. Diet. Herpetological Review. 42:439-440.
Warner DA, MA Moody, RS Telemeco. 2011. Is water uptake by reptilian eggs regulated by physiological processes of embryos or a passive hydraulic response to developmental environments? Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 160:421-425.
Warner DA. 2011. Sex determination in reptiles. In: Hormones and Reproduction of Vertebrates, Volume 3: Reptiles (Norris DO, K Lopez, editors). Pp. 1-38. Academic Press.
Warner DA, R Shine. 2011. Interactions among thermal parameters determine offspring sex under temperature-dependent sex determination. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 278:256-265.
Warner DA, MN Chapman. 2011. Does solitary egg incubation enhance water uptake and offspring quality in a lizard that lays single-egg clutches? Journal of Experimental Zoology 315:149-155.
Schwanz L, DA Warner, S McGaugh, R Di-Terlizzi, A Bronikowski. 2011. Seasonal and age-related shifts in physiological maintenance in a long-lived ectotherm, the painted turtle (Chrysemys picta). Journal of Experimental Biology 214:88-97. [featured in J. Exp. Biol. editorial focus] “painted turtles vary maintenance investment over time”]
Refsnider JM, TS Mitchell, HM Streby, JT Strickland, DA Warner, FJ Janzen. 2011. A generalized method to determine detectability of rare and cryptic species using the ornate box turtle (Terrapene ornata) as a model. Wildlife Society Bulletin 35:93-100.
2010 Du WG, H Ye, B Zhao, DA Warner, R Shine. 2010. Thermal acclimation of heart rates in reptilian embryos. PLoS One 5:1-7.
Warner DA, FJ Janzen. 2010. Diversity of sex-determining mechanisms. In: Evolutionary Behavioral Ecology (Westneat DF, CW Fox, editors). Oxford University Press. Pp. 81-83. [cover photo]
Warner DA. 2010. Book review: Sex Allocation, by Stuart West. Integrative and Comparative Biology 50:476-477.
Rice JW, DA Warner, CD Kelly, MP Clough, JT Colbert. 2010. The theory of evolution is not an explanation for the origin of life. Evolution: Education and Outreach 3:141-142.
Du, WG, DA Warner, T Langkilde, T Robbins, R Shine. 2010. The physiological basis of geographic variation in rates of embryonic development within a widespread lizard species. American Naturalist 176:522-528.
Warner DA, CF Jorgensen, FJ Janzen. 2010. Maternal and abiotic effects on egg mortality and offspring size of turtles: temporal variation in selection over seven years. Functional Ecology 24:857-866.
Robbins TR, DA Warner. 2010. Fluctuations in the incubation moisture environment affect growth but not survival of hatchling lizards. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 100:89-102.
Warner DA, KL Woo, DA VanDyk, CS Evans, R Shine. 2010. Egg incubation temperature affects male reproductive success but not display behaviors in lizards. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 64:803-813.
Wapstra E, DA Warner. 2010. Sex allocation and sex determination in squamate reptiles. Sexual Development 4:110-118.
2009 Janzen FJ, DA Warner. 2009. Parent-offspring conflict and selection on egg size in turtles. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22:2222-2230.
Warner DA, R Shine. 2009. Maternal and environmental effects on offspring phenotypes in an oviparous lizard: do field data corroborate laboratory data? Oecologia 161:209-220.
Warner DA, RS Radder, R Shine. 2009. Corticosterone exposure during embryonic development affects offspring growth and sex ratios in opposing directions in two lizard species with environmental sex determination. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 82:363-371.
Warner DA, T Uller, R Shine. 2009. Fitness effects of the timing of hatching may drive the evolution of temperature-dependent sex determination in short-lived lizards. Evolutionary Ecology 23:281-294.
2008 Uller T, GM While, E Wapstra, DA Warner, BA Goodman, L Schwarzkopf, T Langkilde, P Doughty, RS Radder, DH Rohr, CM Bull, R Shine, M Olsson. 2008. Evaluation of offspring size-number invariants in twelve species of lizards. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22:143-151.
Warner DA, MB Lovern, R Shine. 2008. Maternal influences on offspring phenotypes and sex ratios in a multi-clutching lizard with environmental sex determination. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 95:256-266.
Warner DA, X Bonnet, KA Hobson, R Shine. 2008. Lizards combine stored energy and recently acquired nutrients flexibly to fuel reproduction. Journal of Animal Ecology 77:1242-1249.
Warner DA, R Shine. 2008. The adaptive significance of temperature-dependent sex determination in a reptile. Nature 451:566-568. [featured in Nature News and Views; Faculty of 1000 Biology]
Warner DA, R Shine. 2008. Determinants of dispersal distance in free-ranging juvenile lizards. Ethology 114:361-368.
Warner DA, R Shine. 2008. Maternal nest-site choice in a lizard with temperature-dependent sex determination. Animal Behaviour 75:861-870.
Radder RS, MJ, Elphick, DA Warner, DA Pike, R Shine. 2008. Reproductive modes in lizards: measuring the fitness consequences of the duration of uterine retention of eggs. Functional Ecology 22:332-339.
2007 Radder RS, DA Warner, R Shine. 2007. Compensating for a bad start: catch-up growth in hatchling lizards (Amphibolurus muricatus, Agamidae). Journal of Experimental Zoology 307A:500-508.
Warner DA, R Shine. 2007. Fitness of juvenile lizards depends on seasonal timing of hatching, not offspring body size. Oecologia 154:65-73.
Warner DA, MB Lovern, R Shine. 2007. Maternal nutrition affects reproductive output and sex allocation in a lizard with environmental sex determination. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 274:883-890.
Shine R, DA Warner, RS Radder. 2007. Windows of embryonic sexual lability in two lizard species with environmental sex determination. Ecology 88:1781-1788.
Radder RS, DA Warner, JJ Cuervo, RS Shine. 2007. The functional significance of residual yolk in hatchling lizards (Ampibolurus muricatus, Agamidae). Functional Ecology 21:302-309.
Warner DA, R Shine. 2007. Reproducing lizards modify sex allocation in response to operational sex ratios. Biology Letters 3:47-50.
Schwartz TS, DA Warner, LB Beheregaray, M Olsson. 2007. Microsatellite loci for Australian agamid lizards. Molecular Ecology Notes 7:528-531.
Warner DA. 2007. Amphibolurus muricatus. Predation. Herpetological Review 38:449.
2006 Leung AN, D Lister, J Poolice, L Caon, R Jones, TTL Phu, N Chowdhary, DA Warner. 2006. Diurnal skinks (Lampropholis delicata) seek shelter in the presence of scent from a nocturnal predator and prey. Herpetofauna 36:117-121.
Warner DA, JK Tucker, NI Filoramo, B Towey. 2006. Claw function in hatchling and adult red-eared slider turtles. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 5:317-320.
Opell BD, JA Bond, DA Warner. 2006. The effects of spider orb-web orientation and visibility on prey interception. Zoology 109:339-345.
Warner DA, R Shine. 2006. Morphological variation is not related to locomotor performance in a cohort of hatchling lizards (Amphibolurus muricatus, Agamidae). Oikos 114:126-134.
Allsop DJ, DA Warner, T Langkilde, W Du, R Shine. 2006. Do operational sex ratios influence sex allocation in viviparous lizards with temperature-dependent sex determination? Journal of Evolutionary Biology 19:1175-1182.
Warner DA, J Thomas, R Shine. 2006. A simple and reliable method for attaching radio-transmitters to lizards. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 1:129-131.
2005 and earlier Warner DA, R Shine. 2005. The adaptive significance of temperature-dependent sex determination: experimental tests with a short-lived lizard. Evolution 59:2209-2221.
Warner DA, TM Bert, AM Jackson, C Crawford. 2004. The efficiency of a bycatch reduction device used in the Florida shrimp fishery. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24:853-864.
Warner DA, RM Andrews. 2003. Consequences of extended egg retention by the eastern fence lizard (Sceloporusundulatus). Journal of Herpetology 37:309-314.
Warner DA, JJ Kolbe. 2003. Porthidium nasutum. Prey. Herpetological Review 34:377.
Warner DA. 2003. The horseshoe crab in Florida. Florida Wildlife 57(4):28-29.
Warner DA. 2003. Horseshoe crabs: living fossils. Sea Stats, Florida Marine Research Institute Publication 4pp.
Warner DA. 2003. Environmental and maternal influences on eggs and hatchlings of the eastern fence lizard (Sceloporus undulatus). Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 38:129-136.
Warner DA, RM Andrews. 2002. Laboratory and field experiments identify sources of variation in phenotypes and survival of hatchling lizards. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 76:105-124.
Warner DA, RM Andrews. 2002. Nest-site selection in relation to temperature and moisture by the lizard Sceloporus undulatus. Herpetologica 58:399-407.
Andrews RM, T Mathies, DA Warner. 2000. Effect of incubation temperature on morphology, growth, and survival of juvenile Sceloporus undulatus. Herpetological Monographs 14:420-431.
Warner DA. 2000. Ecological observations on the six-lined racerunner (Cnemidophorus sexlineatus) in northwestern Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 93:239-248.
Tucker JK, DA Warner. 2000. Mud accumulation in nesting aquatic turtles. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 3:753-755.
Tucker JK, DA Warner. 1999. Microgeographic variation in response of red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) embryos to similar incubation environments. Journal of Herpetology 33:549-557.
Kolbe JJ, LJ Harmon, DA Warner. 1999. New state record lengths and associated natural history notes for some Illinois snakes. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 92:133-135.
Warner DA. 1998. Overcrowding effects on larval red-eyed treefrogs (Agalychnis callidryas). Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 33:212-214.
Warner DA. 1998. A preliminary report on a population of Cnemidophorus sexlineatus in northwestern Illinois. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 33:6-8.